Our oldest daughter called us this morning (it was really dark!) to tell us that Addison Kate Cline arrived at 0258 weighing in at 6'13 and 19.5". Jenny's labor wasn't too long and the delivery went well.
I just wish she was closer than the 3000 miles that separate us. Oh, well.
I am Dan Smith, widower of Mary, father of four daughters who are married to Christian husbands and mothers each of two wonderful children who have presented me with 3 greatgrandkids, fifth-generation Church of Christ member, retired US Army major who spends a little time on the golf course.
My time in/with the Army (20 years in uniform and another 20 years as a civilian employee) was a great blessing. I was part of four overseas congregations (Korea, Okinawa, Turkey and Greece) and one Stateside (Reno, NV) that taught me the concept of unity without uniformity. I am both an exclusivist (accepting as a brother one immersed in water in compliance with Jesus' command) and an inclusivist (accepting ALL baptized believers regardless of their denomination).