05 February 2009

Reading recommendations

I'm going to start making reading recommendations here on the blog. That gives my two readers the choice of looking at the recommendations or not. I'll use Email to notify of additions to the blog.

Michael Spencer, the internetMonk has prompted a lively exchange with his latest on how scripture can and is misapplied:

I received yesterday a book that is a must read for those interested in the past and present of Churches of Christ, written by a member of one of the best known preaching families of the "conservative" twig of the Church of Christ branch of Christianity.
Todd Deaver, yes, Roy's grandson and Mac's son, has written a short book, Facing our Failure: The Fellowship Dilemma in Conservative Churches of Christ. The book documents the extreme diversity of views held by traditional brethren who are in fellowship with each other. These brothers, often preachers and writers, disagree over the scriptural boundaries of fellowship. They differ on which practices are biblically authorized and which are sinful. They even disagree over which issues we must be right about in order to be saved. The one thing they seem to have in common is a belief that ficelity to God requires us to be right on ALL these matters. And yet, in spite of their crucial differences on these very issues [instrumental music, praise teams, handclapping, praying to Jesus, female translators, wearing a veil, qualifications of elders or divorce/remarriage], they somehow remain in fellowship with each other.

Depending upon direct quotes from dozens of these preachers, writers, professors (copious footnotes [thanks, Todd, for not using ENDnotes]), Todd shows how inconsistent their extension of fellowship is; i.e., two brothers hold that the guilty spouse in a divorce can remarry -- one is a constant speaker at lectureships in Memphis, Henderson, Montgomery and the other is never invited to speak.

The book is available for <$15 from the author:
Todd Deaver
320 Poplar Creek Rd
Oliver Spgs, TN 37840
or you can email:

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